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Can You Really Find Balance in Your Life?

yoga practice

I’ve been hearing a lot of people say lately that “finding balance” can’t really ever be achieved. It's like they’re almost mad that people even could THINK it could happen! I think it all boils down to what your definition of balance is for your life. I don’t believe it's about having a certain allotment for each category in your life and sticking to that no matter what. I have noticed, in my life, that true balance is when I let things ebb and flow. When I let those things that need more of my attention get a little extra at those times, and allow a little more grace with myself.

It’s easy for us to get into that perfectionist mode or Type A mode and it’s so important that we step more into the feminine energy because that energy is what will bring us back into balance. When we are always focused on doing everything in our life to the best of our ability or better than anyone else, we get burned out. It’s not sustainable. We don’t have to be superwoman in order to have a good life.

When we get burned out, we get sick. When we don’t take care of ourselves or nourish ourselves, we get sick - either mentally, physically, emotionally or spiritually. We get out of whack, out of balance. 


Make a Priority List

Try dividing all of your major life areas into different sections. What are they on your priority list? When it comes down to it, what is THE most important? For me, it’s my family. While work can be exciting and very fulfilling, I have to remember that time with my family is time I’ll never get back so I have to make that time count now. Work has to be a priority because it’s what pays the bills and helps me to spend that time with my family, preferably on a beach somewhere, but I also squeeze it in daily. Something I’ve been doing is incorporating family time into the dinner routine. I make dinner, my husband cleans up the kitchen or does dishes as we go and my daughter either helps me cook or practices Spanish on the computer then quizzes my husband and I.


What Needs Attention?

While looking at your different life sections, some may just need more attention than others at different times. If you have been running yourself ragged trying to be superwoman for the past 10 years, you might need to let the “self-care” section of your life play a much larger role while you balance back out. If you have been slacking in your business and it’s leaking money, you might need to focus more on that for awhile and less time on hobbies.

Keep Self-Care a Priority

No matter what needs more of your attention at this time in your life, make sure you keep self-care and family/relationships a priority. These two things are what will ultimately nourish your soul and keep you grounded. Start with just 5-10 minutes each morning with meditation or a gentle, quiet yoga practice and add on as it feels right for you. I usually start my day with 60-90 minutes of self-care time which always includes meditation but also an include yoga, visualization, journaling, gratitude practices, oil massage, reading in the bath, etc. Just make sure it’s something you enjoy, that doesn’t require much thinking - no playing games on your phone or watching TV. It has to be quiet time where Source can commune with your Spirit. This is where the magic happens, this is what will change your life. This is where you can more fully step into the person you came here to be.

“Two thousand years ago, we lived in a world of Gods and Goddesses. Today, we live in a world solely of Gods. Women in most cultures have been stripped of their spiritual power.” -Dan Brown

finding balance

It’s time we took our power back. Start today with finding the balance that works for you in your life so you’re not running around, burning the candle at both ends - no good is going to come from that. When you step into the feminine, allow yourself to be nourished, you will reclaim your spiritual power and start leading the life you’ve always dreamed of living.

About the Author

Crystal Gray is a proud YogaClub Tribe Leader, a wife, and mother to one 8 year old Goddess. She lives on an organic vegetable farm and leads online yoga teacher trainings through her online business, the Yoga Goddess Academy. In her spare time she loves participating in self-care rituals and deepening her spirituality.

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