Meet the Tribe is an ongoing blog series where you’ll meet women who are leaders in their community and here at YogaClub. Our ambassadors, or Tribe Leaders as we call them, are fitness instructors, wellness professionals and just plain awesome women.
Introduced to yoga at the age of nine, this Tribe Leader is no stranger to the practice and its spiritual wonders. After years of committing to her practice, she packed her bags and headed to Spain for her RYT-200 in Vinyasa yoga at the age of 23. But, she doesn’t stop there! After returning home, she studied an additional 50 hours of HIBS yoga and progressed her knowledge by assisting in other RYT-200 trainings. If anyone understands the magic of movement and the bliss of being, it’s this Tribe Leader.
Meet Adriana Lee.
Q: Let’s talk overall wellness. How do you maintain balance?
A: I find balance in my routines. I take a lot of baths — especially jazz baths. I read a lot. And, I travel as often as possible. Travel is like hitting the reset button. I always come back feeling inspired and rejuvenated.
Q: What advice can you give to someone looking to begin their fitness or wellness journey?
A: Get really clear on what your motivation is. Put it on your vision board. And then, just begin. Make a plan for yourself - whether you want to practice first thing in the morning or right after work — and stick to that plan. You may have to wake up earlier to get your morning movement or meditation session in, so go to bed earlier. I recommend getting your gym bag together the night before so you have no excuses in the morning.
Go easy on yourself. It’ll take a few weeks for your body to adjust to your new schedule. I would also recommend meal prepping once a week. I do it every Wednesday (just because that works for my schedule) and I make enough food for my lunches and dinners for the week. Everything is pre-portioned so you don’t end up overeating, and you’re more likely to make smart eating choices most of the week if you made those choices ahead of time.
Q: What does being a Tribe Leader mean to you?
A: Being a Tribe Leader is a huge privilege and I am so honored to get to be one. It means that I represent YogaClub. I get to be a part of this incredible community of inspiring women. I get to help spread the word about YogaClub and all the good they do in the community. I feel so lucky to be a part of it.
Q: What are your favorite wellness tips for people visiting Florida?
A: If you’re visiting Florida 10 out of 10 would recommend paddleboarding! Laying on the beach is okay too, but paddleboarding or doing SUP yoga is more my speed. Florida also has an abundance of amazing tropical fruits. If you happen to visit during mango season you’re in for a treat because they’re literally everywhere! If you’re in Miami, check out Planta restaurant in South Beach for some amazing vegan food or Plant in Wynnwood for some gorgeous, mostly raw, vegan food in the most incredible venue called the Sacred Space.
Q: How do you integrate healthy eating and mindfulness into your daily life?
A: I practice yoga almost every day. I have a home practice, but I also practice in studios from time to time. My practice literally gives me life.
I eat a vegan, mostly gluten free, and mostly soy free diet. I intermittent fast, which means I eat eight hours out of the day and I fast the other 16. My meals are enormous because I really only eat two meals and a snack. I’m lenient on myself with this during my period and if I’m traveling, but overall it’s what I stick to. I also meal prep once a week so I know exactly what I’m eating.
Q: What motivates you?
A: I find motivation through my students more than anything. I love watching them grow and getting to witness their practice evolve. It inspires me to keep finding new ways to challenge them and myself.

Q: Alright, let’s mix it up with some fun, quick fire questions. Fave YogaClub brand?
A: Niyama Sol, Teeki, Free People Movement, & Glyder
Q: Do you have a quote or mantra that inspires you?
A: “Treat everyone you meet as if they are God in drag.” - Ram Dass
That has to be my all time favorite quote. Kindness > Everything
Q: Favorite guilty pleasure?
A: Frozen mangoes with Tajin (so good!)
Q: Favorite yoga pose?
A: Pincha Mayurasana, and Urdhva Dhanurasana!
Q: Current obsession?
A: Listening to the Align Podcast. I discovered it when Kino McGregor was a guest and it’s soooo goood!
You can find out more about Adriana Lee by checking out her Instagram and her website.
Want to flow with Adriana? You can catch her next month at Vegas Gone Yoga! Festival from October 5th - October 7th. It’s not too late to attend the festival; buy your tickets here and check it out on Instagram and Facebook!