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What Should You Bring to Yoga Class?

When you first start yoga, it may be a little intimidating. Between all the props, mats and yoga clothes, it may be hard to know what to bring to your first yoga class

Let’s start with the tangible items that should always find their way into your bag when headed to yoga class. Most importantly, don’t forget your yoga mat! There are so many different types to choose from and it’s important to take the type of yoga class you’re attending into consideration. A few things to think about are the thickness of the padding, the grip and if you want sweat resistant or absorbent. 

yoga apparel

Now, onto yoga apparel. There is nothing worse than being in the middle of downward dog and having your shirt slouch down to cover your face, exposing more than you’d like to expose (speaking from personal experience here). The same goes for leggings; wearing a pair that you’re constantly having to hike up or adjust, or that just become uncomfortable as soon as you start to sweat can ruin the experience. So, high quality yoga clothes are important! 

Yoga is supposed to be a freeing and peaceful part of your day, so wearing something you’ll be completely comfortable in is key. Lucky for us, YogaClub makes it affordable to incorporate some high end yoga brands into our wardrobe that are comfortable and don’t break the bank. I like to wear a top that’s somewhat fitted so it doesn’t move around during flows, and leggings that are soft and moisture wicking. High waisted leggings are my go-to because they seem to stay in place during any sequence. Ultimately, find the yoga outfit that’s going to make you confident and comfortable while trying out all the positions!


Depending on the class you go to, a water bottle could either be a convenience or a necessity. If I forget a water bottle during hot yoga, I notice it pretty quickly. Yet, during the more casual flow classes, I tend to bring one and sometimes don’t reach for it at all. If this is your first time checking out a class, it’s better to be safe than sorry, and having water as an option is never a bad idea! 

You may notice some yogis bring towels to help with grip and also for sweat during those hot classes. When it comes to hot yoga, your mat can get slippery from the amount you sweat (yes, it’s a lot), so bringing a towel is definitely helpful. Bringing a towel to your other yoga classes is just another decision of personal preference. 

girl yogi

You’ll also likely use some different props during class like blocks or straps. Typically, the studio will have any equipment you’ll need, so I wouldn’t stress about this. However, if you end up loving the class and want to stick with it, you may find having your own props is more comfortable for you. 

The most crucial thing to make sure you always bring to a yoga class is an open heart and an open mind. Yoga has this beautiful power to completely transform the way you see yourself and the world. Don’t get caught up in comparing yourself to others in the class and focusing on the progress of your neighbor. You all entered that room for the same reason; to embrace your mind, body, and spirit. You are beautiful and strong, and so is your neighbor. Take that hour-long session and dedicate it to yourself because you deserve it. I hope you end class feeling the same way I do; with an inner peace, a kind soul, and a stronger booty. 

About the Author

woman writer

Lauren Cartmel is a yoga and fitness enthusiast who focuses on the benefits that exercise has on mental health. She is on a mission to help others reduce stress and anxiety through physical and mental well being.

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