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Raise Your Vibration with Mind, Body and Soul Activities Every. Single. Day.

Have you ever seen those memes that you want to be part of? 

You know the ones of the girls holding hands at the beach or in a forest dressed as hippies, long hair, covered in flowers saying, “Raise Your Vibe Tribe,” “Find Your Tribe and Love them Hard,” “Your Vibe attracts your Tribe?”

Well I have, as I’m sitting on my bed eating a pint of ice-cream with hot fudge (and binge-watching Netflix) thinking, why aren’t these women my friends? 

Mind, Body and Soul Activities

Do you get me?

Well, I’m sure there are those women out there who drink green juice all day and run barefoot in the forest, holding hands and skipping on the beach with their friends. Maybe, one day I will be her.

But, for now, I’m a working mom who runs her daughter around all day while managing to get breakfast, lunch, and dinner on the table. Tell me, when do I have time to run around care-free like a forest fairy? 

If you’re like me and don’t have all the time in the world to focus on yourself, then you need some real solutions to incorporate mind, body and soul activities into your daily life. With some help, I have managed to incorporate practices throughout my day that raise my vibration. And, seriously, it has changed my life. I am more relaxed, less anxious and more present for the people around me.

So, what have I changed in life?

Mind, Body and Soul Activities

First, let’s talk about the hour of power

Learning about the hour of power really opened my mind up to what I can actually accomplish for myself throughout the day. And, no, I don’t mean errands or accomplishing things for other people; I truly mean for me, myself and I.

Accredited to Jack Canfield, he teaches the idea that you can dedicate an hour of self care to yourself everyday, which can lead to more motivation. He breaks his hour of power up into 20 minute increments: 20 minutes of exercise, 20 minutes of reading/listening to uplifting and positive content, and 20 minutes of meditation.

He says it’s best to do your hour of power in the mornings, but I personally do it whenever I can fit it in my schedule, or I break it up throughout the day. When you feel overwhelmed about dedicating time to yourself, remember the power of hour model, which helps break down mind body activities into a more digestible and doable commitment. 

Mind, Body and Soul Activities

So, without further adieu, here are 20 mind, body and soul activities that you can incorporate into your life to raise your vibration. 

  1. Limit your social media time.
  2. Take a brisk walk or do a quick yoga practice during your work break.
  3. Walk around the block after dinner. This is great for digestion!
  4. Be mindful of your breath and your posture throughout the day. You can even set up reminders on your phone.
  5. Practice being present in each moment by observing what’s around you, breathing deeply and feeling you feet on the floor.
  6. Shake! Yes, stand up and shake it out! One minute of shaking is great for your nervous system.
  7. Express 10 things you are grateful for every day. 
  8. Practice Donna Eden’s Energy Medicine.
  9. Meditate, even if it’s only for a few minutes!Mind, Body and Soul Activities
  10. Read a chapter from an inspirational book, or listen to an uplifting podcast. 
  11. Try Yoga Nidra, a lying down meditation that helps with relaxation and sleep.
  12. Practice looking people in the eye and being fully present with them.
  13. Be mindful of your thoughts and breath deeply every time you catch something negative floating through your mind.
  14. Do this two minute meditation every morning and every night.
  15. Try incorporating Kundalini yoga and meditation into your life for a great mental, emotional, physical and spiritual practice!
  16. Listen to powerful yoga chants in your car.
  17. Say positive affirmations out loud, like I am healthy, I am happy and I am holy. Our thoughts become our words and our words create our lives!
  18. Be mindful of your complaining. Every time you catch yourself complaining, follow it up by saying one thing you are grateful for. 
  19. Be in nature by sitting under a tree or going for a quick stroll in a park.
  20. Skip the bread and eat some fruit!

I may not be the woman in the memes yet, but with these mind, body and spirit activities, I am well on my way! Try incorporating some of these practices into your life and, gradually, you will feel your vibration strengthen with each effort. 


About the Author

woman yogi

Founder of South Bay Yoginis, Valinda Cochella has a Master’s Degree in Dance/Movement Therapy from UCLA and has been practicing yoga since 1994 and teaching since 2000. She is an experienced registered Yoga Teacher with the Yoga Alliance and has been on the healing path for nearly 25 years. Her unique training as a Kundalini & Hatha Yoga Instructor, Dance/ Movement Therapist, Reiki Practitioner and as a student at Clearsight Clairvoyant School allows her to guide people to explore yoga on a deep level to heal the body, mind and spirit.

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