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5 Reasons Why You Need to Join a Yoga Challenge

It’s time! Time to get out of your box and join a yoga challenge. Sounds intimidating right? I promise it's not. There are zero cons and a long list of pros. All you have to do to get started is  hop on Instagram and explore the vast sea of yoga challenges to join — including YogaClub’s! So get out your phone and get on your mat!

yoga challenge


There are so many yoga poses! How many do you know? When I did my first yoga challenge I knew maybe five poses. I decided the best way to learn would be start a yoga challenge. Each day is a new pose. Most challenges are generally a few days to a couple weeks long — YogaClub’s is five days. That's a lot of poses! Depending on the challenge and the hosts, they’ll sometimes give you tutorials each day. I’ve also had success with Googling, searching hashtags or looking on Pinterest for said pose. Tip: Most poses have a Sanskrit name and an English name.

yoga challenge

Be Creative

Once you build up a basic pose repertoire, you can start learning all the different variations and binds that go along with each pose. There is also freedom to be creative and come up with your own variations! This might be a mudra with your hands, a funky foot placement, different bends in your arms or legs, a twist, or even playing with props and backgrounds! The creative opportunities are endless and really show off your style through your practice.

yoga practice

Meet Fellow Yogis

Has anyone else noticed how opinionated, generic and negative social media has gotten over the past few years? I have. I love seeing my friends photos of their days, kids, pets, food etc. I love reading funny statuses about things they encountered. Even being able to engage when something bad happens, it's nice to be able to know and show support! But more and more social media gets overrun with bullies and drama. I had almost gotten to a point where I was fed up, but then I joined my first yoga challenge and my attitude completely shifted. The yoga community on instagram is amazing! The yogis are so kind, supportive, strong, beautiful and creative. I have met some of the best people since doing these challenges. Every time I decide to join another challenge it comes with a whole new group and chance to meet more and more amazing people!

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The Supportive Community

It’s easy to think, no way, I can't join a challenge. Then the excuses start piling up —  I haven't been doing yoga that long, I'm not very flexible, I'm not strong enough, it will be too hard, people might think I'm a joke. Leave all of that behind because frankly, it’s not true! Everyone's yoga practice is different. Our bodies are different, our minds, strengths, weaknesses and stories all vary so much and they make us who we are. These are also the things that make each person’s yoga practice so unique and inspiring!

Just wait and you’ll see. The yogis who do these challenges are the best people. The outpouring of support is enormous and it's truly beautiful how much you learn about yourself when you are vulnerable. So don't feel intimidate — you will feel so empowered every day!

girl doing yoga

Discover New Yoga Products

Every yoga challenge has hosts and sponsors — YogaClub not only hosts a challenge each month, but also sponsors many of the others out there! So not only do you get to meet new friends, but you also get to meet up and coming businesses. The sponsors can be well known companies in the yoga world. But often they are local or newer companies that offer yoga related products. There are usually a few sponsors and a few winners which makes it exciting! To be honest, I usually forget that there’s a prize! I have way too much fun learning poses, exploring variations, and meeting new yogi friends. I consider those three things a HUGE win.

Yoga Challenge Tips:

Okay, so now you’re convinced to give it a try! How do you actually get the photos to submit?

  • Always warm up before trying new poses! You’ll be able to get deeper into the pose while avoiding injury.
  • Have a friend or family member snap a few shots of you at the end of your home practice.
  • If nobody’s around to capture photos of you, try using a timer app that gives you more shots than on your iPhone or set your phone up on video mode.
  • Join YogaClub’s My Yoga Journey to ask questions and watch video tutorials on the poses in the #YogaClubChallenge or just ask for advice on a pose you’re working on!

Now that you have the tools, you’re ready to go! Warning though, yoga challenges can be pretty addicting. But there’s nothing more empowering than tapping into this community. So roll out your mat, and let’s flow!

About the Author

Amber Adams is a YogaClub ambassador, certified Buti yoga instructor, adventurous free spirit, wife, mother and friend. She loves to love people and is passionate about using her mind and body as a creative outlet. Be it, yoga, dancing, singing, make up artistry, sewing, throwing elaborate parties. You name it! 

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