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Female Fashion Advice: How to Look Great in Whatever You Wear

It only takes a few seconds of scrolling on social media or browsing the web to uncover endless articles and columns on female fashion advice.

It’s a subject that’s always changing, evolving, and bringing new things to the table. Fashion moves so fast, and if you blink, you might miss a major trend and totally fall out of the loop!

That’s why we think readers could benefit from a more general article on women’s fashion, with some broad tips about dressing with timeless style, being true to yourself, and maximizing your best features by picking garments that match your body type.

We’ll get into a few specifics here and there, but view this as your go-to guide for fashion fundamentals and making the most of your style. Let’s begin.

Female Fashion Basics

You might have an intuitive sense of style already, or you’ve absorbed certain fashion tips over the years just by navigating the world and being influenced by the media.

Still, it never hurts to go back to the drawing board and review some of the most basic tenets of women’s fashion so that you can refocus your wardrobe and dress with more confidence.

Here are some suggestions for piecing together a solid wardrobe, how to incorporate trends, and why it’s important to accessorize no matter where you’re at in your fashion journey.

Wardrobe Essentials

Every great wardrobe starts with staples. These are the items that you can wear every day of the week, keep in the rotation for months, and know without a doubt that you’ll look and feel great every time you leave the house.

Some of these staples are super basic – tee shirts, jeans, crew neck sweaters, flats, and pumps. Other items like blouses, button-ups, dress pants, and outerwear might not be as obvious, but these are still necessities, just like all the rest!

Take this opportunity to review your wardrobe and see what staples have stood the test of time so far, and note the common themes and qualities among these items.

Are they a certain color or material? Do they have a looser or tighter fit? Can they be mixed and matched to create attractive outfits without much effort on your part?

The beauty of staple items lies in their simplicity, giving you a solid set of clothes that will always play to your strengths! If your wardrobe is lacking in the basics department, make it your first priority to stock up on items you can rely on for years ahead.

Trend Chasing vs. Timeless Looks

Ever find yourself in a constant loop of chasing trends and always being one step behind the curve? This is a common frustration for many women, and it ends up costing many people a lot of time, money, and headache.

We love trends as much as the next person, but here’s a word of warning – only shop for trends if the clothes truly speak to your style and work to elevate your current looks.

You don’t want to be that gal who just jumps from one trend to the next and never seems to have a foundation built. This will just end up driving you crazy over time and leave you with an empty bank account to boot.

Be aware of trends and know what’s coming and going, but don’t let your wardrobe live and die by what’s hot on social media or in magazines.

Embrace Accessories

Whether you’re just hammering out your fashion fundamentals or you’re a seasoned fashionista, you’ll always want to have an exciting set of accessories in your arsenal.

We’re using the term broadly here – accessories can be anything from handbags and backpacks to jewelry, hats, belts, and any other flourishes that bring your outfits to the next level.

The beauty of accessories is that you can totally redefine a look you’ve worn a thousand times before, just by adding some extra pops of color here and there or a glistening new pair of earrings to the mix.

With plenty of accessories to supplement your style, your outfits will never look stale or recycled – always fresh, no matter what!

Experimentation and Enjoyment

We’ve talked about basics and how to handle trends, but we urge you to always push yourself out of the comfort zone when it comes to style if only just a little bit at a time.

Women have a lot of room to experiment with shapes, colors, prints, patterns, and many other elements of style. Add shoes, accessories, and other variables like a different hairstyle, nail polish, and makeup – there’s an infinite number of ways to craft a unique fashion persona.

Remember, it’s all about enjoyment at the end of the day and expressing yourself to the fullest. 

Fill your wardrobe with staples to build a strong foundation, add trendy statement pieces here and there as you see fit, and accessorize aggressively to tie it all together.

Dressing for Your Body Type

Everybody is shaped a little differently, and that’s what makes fashion such an intriguing, never-ending story.

We suggest you take the time to get in touch with your unique body shape and start styling outfits to flatter your physique, rather than taking a copy/paste approach from the fashion media.

Know Your Shape

Not sure of your specific body shape or how to dress the right way based on your proportions? It all starts by taking the main four measurements – shoulders, bust, waist, and hips.

With these calculations, you can compare your dimensions to a body type chart online and instantly have a better idea of what you’re working with. Keep in mind that you won’t have an exact match in terms of body shape, but at least you’ll be pointed in the right direction.

Whether you’re an hourglass, an apple, a pear, a rectangle, or any variation thereof, you can then start to dress for your body type in a more intentional and purposeful way.

Follow a Format

Dressing for your body shape is all about drawing attention towards certain areas of your physique while diverting the eye away from parts of the body you want to downplay.

This can be done by using an array of different patterns, colors, shapes, fits, and other factors to create the illusion of a more balanced physique, no matter what your shape may be.

We won’t dive deep into these techniques today, but there are plenty of articles across the web that will show you the best way to dress for a particular body type.

It might seem odd at first to switch up your style based on these suggestions, but trust us – they work!

Confidence is Key

Avoid reading style tips like a crystal ball or horoscope, especially when it comes to body shape.

These recommendations can only tell you so much about what looks good and what doesn’t. It’s ultimately your call when deciding what to wear, and nobody can say otherwise.

The most attractive quality for any person is confidence, after all. Never leave the house without it, rain or shine.

Master the Art of Athleisure

Formalwear, business casual, everyday threads – there is so much to cover in the fashion world, but there’s one corner of your wardrobe that you definitely don’t want to neglect: athleisure.

This trend might have started back in the 80s with neon, flashy workout clothes, but it has since blossomed into a global phenomenon that can no longer be ignored.

Here are some tips for developing your athleisure wardrobe from top to bottom.

Outfits by Workout Type

An easy way to get started with athleisure is to design outfits by the activities you do each day. If you’re a jogger, focus on lightweight leggings, tanks, and trainers.

If you’re a yoga lover, collect some groovy 7/8 length leggings and comfy, ventilated tops that give you a full range of motion.

This will not only help you construct a well-balanced wardrobe but also inspire you to try new workouts and challenges in the gym and studio.

Casual, Everyday Looks

Athleisure begins in the gym, but it goes so far beyond that. 

If you haven’t noticed, women wear leggings, tank tops, and sneakers all over the place these days, dressing them up and down based on the occasion.

Yes, you can absolutely elevate an athleisure outfit with some nice accessories and lightweight outerwear if you want. You can even pick up trendy matching yoga clothing sets and create cohesive looks that stand on their own.

Treat your athleisure wardrobe like a whole new set of basics that you can draw from and remix with new flavors all the time.

In Conclusion

We hope this guide will serve you well, whether you shop for yourself or try an activewear clothing subscription service. Stay stylish!


The Guide to Body Shapes | Joy of Clothes

6 Essential Ways To Start Dressing With Confidence | Life Hack

The Science of Confidence | Psychology Today

How To Dress For Your Body Type | Style Craze

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